
List of workshops and details for the 2 workshop sessions day 3 and 4 :

Wednesday 17/07

Student Branch Vitality – Administration, Programs and Recognition presented by Student Activities Committee (SAC)

Speakers: Abdullateef Aliyu​ - Ahmed Ayman - Vera Marković - Khaldoun Taktak - Fay Elhassan - Vildana Hrnjić - Ruben Barrera-Michel 

Room: Auditorium - Code: A3

Student branches serve as the dynamic hub of activities within their respective countries. However, they often require guidance on implementing best practices to maintain their active status and align with regional objectives. This workshop will provide valuable insights into essential yearly tasks for student branches, as well as clarify student programs and awards through interactive demonstrations. Join us to discover the transformative potential that will elevate student branches into exceptional organizational units.

IEEE Opportunities

Speakers: Pascal Lorenzo - Andrejs Romanovs - Peter Magyar

Room: Palladium2 - Code: B3

Pascal Lorenzo - Overview of the IEEE communication society

Andrejs Romanovs -  IEEE Education Activities: the Gateway to your Career Growth; Modern Learning Tools: Use of Generative AI. 

"Modern Learning Tools: Use of Generative AI." A talk about IEEE Professional and Educational Activities (PEA) with focus on University and Continuing Education. 

Peter Magyar - IEEE Life members and S & YP local groups – a fruitful cooperation opportunity

In a third step the workshop gives an overview of the Life Members (LM) structure and the R8 Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) network. Currently, there are existing 30+ LMAGs in all three subregions of R8. The aim of the workshop is to demonstrate how to get-together the Sections´ LMAGs and the S&YP Committees. Not only some cooperation examples will be demonstrated but also practical advice will be provided about contact partners, financial grant sources and approval processes.

Mastering Product Management with help of Serverless Architecture and Generative AI Features presented by IEEE Computer Society (CS)

Speakers: Shivam shivam - Saptarshi Ghosh
Room: Chrome1 - Code: C3

Join us for an in-depth workshop on how to design serverless solutions leveraging product management guidelines and best practices. This session, led by industry experts, begins with a comprehensive overview of Product Management principles, covering everything from market analysis and user-centric design to agile methodologies and successful product launches. Following this, dive into the world of Serverless Architecture, exploring how to build and deploy scalable, cost-effective applications without the need for traditional server management. Learn practical skills and gain valuable insights to elevate your product strategy and technical prowess in today's fast-evolving tech landscape.

YP R8: Young Professionals in Action: Organizing Impactful Events presented by YP R8 and YP France

Speakers: Ana Ines Inacio - Emna Amri - Seif Elhajjam

Room: Chrome2+3 - Code: D3

The workshop aims to equip attendees with the skills to plan Cross Sectional SYP events by working in groups, each guided by an R8YP member. Participants will develop detailed proposals, including location, program, budget, and deadlines, and present their ideas for feedback. The workshop fosters networking, collaboration, and a "Keep in touch" attitude, encouraging ongoing communication and partnership among young professionals.

Trophy Talks: Strategies for YP Global Recognition & How to prepare for a job interview with IEEE Xplore

Speakers: Raghav Thanigaivel - Eszter Lukács

Room: Chourone - Code: E3

Vildana Hrnjic - Trophy Talks: Strategies for YP Global Recognition

This workshop is to brainstorm essential strategies to reward and celebrate the talents of Young Professionals. Join us as we try to ponder impactful ways to acknowledge and empower emerging talents in IEEE.

Eszter Lukács - How to prepare for a job interview with IEEE Xplore

The session will share some tips on how to use IEEE Xplore Digital Library and other IEEE websites in preparation for a job interview and how to create search alerts in IEEE Xplore. Ideal training for career interview preparation. 

IAS chapter formation and membership-related topics & Introduction to Codes and Standards presented by Industry Application Society (IAS)

Speakers: Nehad El-Sherif - Richard Cselko

Room: Chrome4 - Code: F3

Richard Cselko - IAS chapter formation and membership-related topics

If your engineering interests are the needs of the industrial or commercial sector, the Industry Applications Society (IAS) will be a valuable professional connection. One of the largest special interest societies within the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the IAS focuses specifically on the unique needs of industry and commerce. IAS is a source of professional power to its 11,000+ worldwide members. Through a network of over 370 chapters globally, regional events and national and international conferences, the society keeps members abreast of current developments in the area of technology in electricity and electronics. IAS enriches both its individual members and the industry as a whole through the sharing of specific industry-related solutions.

Nehad El-Sherif - Introduction to Codes & Standards

Codes and Standards are indispensable because of the essential role they play in our lives. They touch every aspect of our lives by ensuring safety, quality and reliability of products and services. Additionally, codes and standards guarantee compatibility between different markets to facilitate international trade. According to Raymond G. Kammer, the past director of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), about 80% of global merchandise trade is affected by standards and by regulations that embody standards. Therefore, it is important to understand the standards development process, the different types of standards, and how to become actively involved in the development process.
This workshop provides attendees having little or no background of codes and standards with information to develop a basic understanding of the topic. It also serves as a refresher for experienced attendees. The 5W’s method will be used to engage attendees and the benefits of getting involved in the development of codes and standards will be outlined.

Tech for Change: Empowering Innovation with Design Thinking & Overview of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society

Speakers: Mohamed Amin - Haya yousef - Abir Tabark
Room: Phosphoure - Code: G3

Mohamed Amin, Haya yousef - Tech for Change: Empowering Innovation with Design Thinking - R8 Careers Ad Hoc Committee

The workshop aims to instill an entrepreneurial mindset among young professionals by tackling urgent societal and environmental issues through innovative solutions. By utilizing design thinking methodologies, participants will explore the intersection of technology and social impact, focusing on promoting sustainability and addressing challenges such as gender equity, climate change, and ethical AI. This workshop offers significant value to participants, particularly those with a technical background, by providing a unique opportunity to enhance their skill set with an empathetic, human-centered approach to problem-solving and prototype development. It also encourages creating solutions that not only address complex challenges but also resonate with the needs and perspectives of end-users and thus have a great business potential to succeed in the market.

During the workshop, participants will be divided into groups, with each group assigned a challenge related to topics such as sustainability, cybersecurity, climate change, or ethical AI. Through rapid brainstorming sessions, groups will generate numerous solutions to their respective challenges. Utilizing a condensed design thinking cycle, participants will learn how to develop solutions that are desirable, feasible, and viable by engaging in activities focused on empathy, ideation, and prototyping. Finally, groups will prepare and present pitches for their innovative solutions, allowing participants to showcase their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Abir Tabark - Overview of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society - IEEE Aerospace Tunis

The focus would be on creating a solid action plan for an AESS student chapter, exploring the advantages of AESS chapter membership, and how to actively participate in the IEEE aerospace community.
AESS Goals :

The AESS's involvement in the R8SYP aims to connect with students and young professionals in Region 8, uncover hidden talents, and highlight the areas of interest within AESS. It also seeks to promote the advantages of AESS membership, whether for students or young professionals in the field.

Thursday 18/07

IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship 2024 Pitch Finals

Speakers: Umar Adam - Mohammad Zidan - Ayat Amr

Room: Auditorium - Code: A4

The IEEE Region 8 Pitch Competition comes back in its fifth edition this year with the Finals taking place at IEEE Region 8 SYP 2024 in Grenoble. The finals will feature four startups, from UK, Italy, Jordan, and Egypt, that made it through rigorous judging starting from their local IEEE Entrepreneurship Week events in 2023/2024, all through the regional quarterfinals and semi-finals. Join us to witness innovation, entrepreneurship and excitement!

ST Microelectronics
Room: Chrome2+3 - Code: B4

Technical talk by STMicroelectronics

Action For Industry Round Table presented by Action For Industry (AFI)

Speakers: Anas Dakkak - Jacopo Cele - Stoyan Nihtianov - Stamatis Dragoumanos - Costas Stasopoulos - Cosmin Moisa Toni Matilla
Room: Titane2 - Code: C4

Region 8 Action for Industry committee invites all SYP participants to an interesting round table. IEEE OU representatives and Industry members will discuss what kinds of support Industries would like IEEE to provide to them and how IEEE OUs could support the IEEE members in this demanding task, to support the Industry.

Airborne wind energy & 5G and beyond technical roadmaps for Future Networks

Speakers: Ahmad Hably - Emre Ayranci
Room: Chrome4 - Code: D4

Ahmad Hably - Airborne wind energy - GipsaLab

In the quest to find the perennial clean source of energy our society is looking towards the scientific community for innovative solutions. Airborne wind energy systems (AWES) are believed to be one of the solutions for the energy needs of the future generations. Airborne wind energy is an innovative concept aiming to convert wind energy of high altitude wind currents into electricity using tethered flying devices. A key premise for airborne wind energy is that it should be able to significantly reduce costs by cutting the amount of materials required for each generation unit, compared to traditional turbines. On the other hand, and unlike wind turbines, AWES have to cope with partially unpredictable wind to remain airborne and need to land when wind conditions are poor. In this workshop, AWE concept will be introduced and a review on the characteristics of currently existing AWE technological solutions will be given. Some recent research results of control systems  eliminating feasibility risks and improving the understanding of AWES will be presented. 


Emre Ayranci - 5G and beyond technical roadmaps for Future Networks
Talk on 5G and beyond roadmaps accordingly and show what IEEE is going in these areas

Bits of Radio-Frequencies presented by MTTs

Speakers: Valentina Palazzi - Ana Inês Inácio - Sara Barros

Room: Phosphoure - Code: E4

in this workshop the speakers will provide an overview of what it means to work in radio-frequency engineering in academia, research institutes and companies. They will also show some of the results of their research and they will demonstrate some of the basic principles of RF front-ends.

Renawable Energy and the Challenges ahead & Boost your Career through Online Presence

Speakers: Costas Stasopoulos - Vildana Hrnjić
Room: Chourone - Code: F4

Costas Stasopoulos - Renawable Energy and the Challenges ahead

A new Energy era; Where is the energy sector moving towards in the next 10 years. What is the future of the energy sector? 

Major shifts underway today are set to result in a considerably different global energy system in the next 10 years. The phenomenal rise of clean energy technologies such as solar, wind, electric cars and heat pumps is reshaping how we power everything from factories and vehicles to home appliances and heating systems. 

What can we do to move to net zero economy? 

Effective actions to accelerate decarbonization include shifting of the energy mix away from fossil fuels and toward zero-emissions electricity and other low-emissions energy sources such as hydrogen; adapting industrial and agricultural processes; increasing energy efficiency and managing demand for energy; utilizing the circular economy; consuming fewer emissions-intensive goods; deploying carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology; and enhancing sinks of both long-lived and short-lived greenhouse gases.

Vildana Hrnjić - Boost your Career through Online Presence

The bridge between university and your first job opportunity can be a long walk, but it doesn’t have to be. What is personal branding and how can it be used to enhance professional opportunities? In today's digital age, building a strong online presence is crucial for young professionals just starting their careers. This involves strategically branding oneself and maintaining a consistent and professional online image to stand out in a competitive job market.

In this workshop, Vildana will share tips and tricks on leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, personal blogs, and social media, where individuals can showcase their skills, achievements, and professional interests. By creating a professional profile, sharing relevant content, and engaging with industry leaders, you can establish credibility and visibility. Additionally, we will discuss how participating in online discussions and networking with peers can open doors to new opportunities. 

If you are looking to master the transition from college life to your first real job opportunity, use this chance to learn more about online branding. Discover how it can enhance your job prospects and set the foundation for a successful and dynamic career.

IEEE R8 Humanitarian Technologies Hackathon presented by HTB & HTAC

Speakers: Theodoros Chatzinikolaou - Abdullateef Aliyu - George Papadimitriou - Simay Akar - Lawanga Herbert - Julianna M Pichardo
Room: Palladium2 - Code: G4

The IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Technologies Hackathon is meant to foster competition amongst different R8 members, through their solutions to specific humanitarian needs around SDGs in the Region. The challenge was to solve a given real-world humanitarian challenge and develop technology-driven solutions, that will allow them to build their teamwork skills and network with like-minded students, young professionals, and mentors.

The best five (5) solutions will be presented during the IEEE R8 SYP Congress. The teams will receive a certificate, while the affiliated OUs of the best three (3) teams will be granted with a seed funding in order to host humanitarian technologies and sustainable development activities. Special seed funding rewards may be granted to the best solutions of each challenge.

Overview of the Humantarian technologies board and its activitites

Addressing Environmental Challenges through AI-Driven Research and Applications & How to get funded up to 10000 USD for your enginneering project through EPICS in IEEE

Speakers: Emna Amri - Sneha Hegde - Samarth Deo

Room: Chrome1 - Code: H4

Samarth Deo - EPICS

Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS in IEEE) is an IEEE program managed by the Educational Activities Board that provides financial grants to student groups to participate and complete service-learning projects in their communities in the areas of human services, environment, access and abilities, or education and outreach. The program strives to assist educators and students alike to apply their knowledge in engineering disciplines to build not just products, but to build and improve communities! EPICS envisions a world where Engineering Education is Intimately Connected to Community Service. Over the last 10 years, the program has supported the development of more than 200 projects worldwide, involving over 11,000 pre-university and university students and investing over 1,000,000 USD.
During the workshop, Samarth Deo, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 AdHoc on EPICS in IEEE committee, will introduce EPICS in IEEE and facilitate brainstorming sessions that could turn your ideas into future funding proposals

Emna Amri, Sneha Hegde - Addressing Environmental Challenges through AI-Driven Research and Applications
Discover "AI-Driven Environmental Innovation," a workshop curated by IEEE Young Professionals (YP) and Women in Engineering (WIE). Understand climate change, the Paris Agreement, and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Learn how IEEE contributes to climate solutions and explore how AI tackles environmental challenges through climate science and policy insights. Engage with technical case studies and interactive sessions to brainstorm innovative R&D projects aimed at creating sustainable solutions for our planet's future.